Wednesday, January 13, 2010

current activities, fall 2009

The fall of 2009 will be a very busy time, if for no other reason that I have become Chair of the Department of International Development Studies for the first time, and envisage a steep learning curve in administering the affairs of faculty, staff and students.

In addition to these administrative tasks, I will, as usual, be doing my regular teaching of IDST 100, Human Inequality in Global Perspective, and IDST-ANTH 221, Agrarian Change and the Global Politics of Food. Both courses have been substantially revised for the 2009 - 2010 academic session. I also will be externally examining two PhD theses, one from Australia and one from the United Kingdom.

In terms of my ongoing research activities, I will be revising my two-part survey article on the agrarian question for The Journal of Peasant Studies, my chapter in the forthcoming textbook An Introduction to Gender and Economics: Foundations, Theories and Policies, as well as revising my forthcoming monograph, Hungry for Change? Farmers, Agrarian Questions and the Global Food Crisis. I also have a number of smaller publishing commitments that I need to honour.

In short, it will be a busy few months.

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